Chapter VIII: Uzbekistan (Un)limited

Thought the Global Goulets just stopped their blog posts after Turkmenistan? Thought wrong! Come cop a taste of the legendary Uzbeki delicacy, plov. And for a refresher on where we last left off, check out Chapter VII.   We woke up with the worst hangovers to date on our adventure. Eric was so massively dehydrated […]

Chapter VII: The Road to Hell is Paved with Potholes and Bureaucracy

Land Ho!   Waking up to the gentle sound of waves lapping against the side of our monolithic cargo ship, we peaked out the cabin window to see the sweltering coast of our next port of entry, Turkmenistan.   As we pulled up to the harbor, the ship’s wench, Frances, gathered all the ralliers and […]

Chapter VI: Busting it to Baku

Into Asia we go, with one goal in mind: hustle east as quickly as possible until we reach Baku, Azerbaijan, the launching pad for an erratic and unpredictable ferry ride across the Caspian Sea to Turkmenistan. So, we set out to cross 3 countries and 2 borders in 2 days, ideally arriving in time to […]

Goulets, Meet Stans

    Hello. You guys still there? Okay, we are too. Just letting you know that we’ve hit the ‘Stans and internet is now just an old friend we fondly remember while trying to navigate Turkmeni desert roads. Since last we spoke we’ve had a long voyage across the Caspian Sea by ferry, experienced incredible Turkmenistan […]